Thank you for your interest in guiding for Natural Leaders!
The field of wilderness survival and primitive skills is inexhaustible - you could spend many lifetimes honing your skills in any of its myriad aspects.
However, for the purposes of our program, a good practical grasp of certain basics skills will go a long way toward giving you the confidence and ability to protect the safety of students and provide a valuable learning experience.
When you, and your students, learn these fundamentals, it should really open up the world - reducing fear, and enabling you to explore and enjoy the outdoors to a much greater extent than before.
Here is a list of topics to explore on this website to give you a head start.
Remember, watching the videos and reading the material is a good first step, but only by actually messing around with the skills, will you develop proficiency.
Thank you for your interest in guiding for Natural Leaders!
The field of wilderness survival and primitive skills is inexhaustible - you could spend many lifetimes honing your skills in any of its myriad aspects.
However, for the purposes of our program, a good practical grasp of certain basics skills will go a long way toward giving you the confidence and ability to protect the safety of students and provide a valuable learning experience.
When you, and your students, learn these fundamentals, it should really open up the world - reducing fear, and enabling you to explore and enjoy the outdoors to a much greater extent than before.
Here is a list of topics to explore on this website to give you a head start.
Remember, watching the videos and reading the material is a good first step, but only by actually messing around with the skills, will you develop proficiency.
- Safety page
- Learn the knife safety rules
- Understand about widow-makers:
- Exercise 1 - Find 3 widowmakers when you are out on a hike. Look for rotten or suspended branches on trees, and also standing dead trees that look ready to fall over.
- Exercise 2: Identify 3 large tulip poplar trees and see if you can find some widow-makers on them.
- Yellow-jackets and bald-faced hornets
- Ticks
- 1-match fire - practice a few times, how fast can you do it?
- Exercise: find and identify
- red cedar
- spicebush
- mountain laurel
- red maple
- river birch
- Tarps - practice finding a good location and pitching a tarp.
- Knots - clove hitch, bowline, taut-line
- Tinder - make a tinder bundle out of tulip poplar bark. Light it with a ferro rod if you have one.
- Survival pottery - see if you can find some wild clays, make some small test pots, dry and fire them.
- Survival shelter - build a small survival shelter. How long does it take? What challenges did you encounter.
- Cordage - make some cordage out of grass or other fibers (you might also search Youtube for more, better videos on making it).