Building confidence and leadership skills: First of all, I want to say that I think Nick is a wonderful instructor. He is perfect for this job. His calm demeanor and gentle leadership has made a profound difference in my son’s life. He has learned so much from Nick. And not just about primitive skills, but about self control, leadership and facing challenges with a clear head. My son’s confidence has grown by leaps and bounds. Prior to taking AK with Nick, my son was very nervous about being anywhere without me. And also had a lot of anxiety about getting lost.
I believe Nick to be a very strong asset to AK. I know that I am not the only parent to notice this! I am very grateful for the instruction, care and guidance that Nick has given to all the children in the program. He is a very strong, knowledgeable leader and I sincerely hope that he will continue to be a part of this wonderful program for a long time. I recommend this program to anyone that will listen. As my son says, “As long as Nick is there, I will be too.” -S, Bowie Homeschool Parent in an unsolicited letter to the program director. |
Real learning, really fun!"I've been meaning to email you to thank you for the survival camp. G. has narrated every bit of it--how you make debris shelters, the best kindling for one match fires, and on and on. It was a fabulous experience for her, and I really appreciate all the thought you put into the skill-building part of it.
Thanks again for all you did for G. I showed her the offerings at our nature center this fall in the survival class and she shrugged, "I just did all those." :-)" -A, mother of an overnight camper |
Highlight of the school year!"Hi Nick,
I want to thank you for such a great year with AK. It was definitely the highlight of our school year! It was a blessing and a privilege for M and M to participate in AK. The unique learning experiences, new friendships, and memories made in the process will be long lasting childhood treasures for them both." -R, mother of 2 participants |
An amazing adventure, and powerful knowledge:...I could not believe what I heard when I returned to pick them up. They had the time of their lives. They both loved every minute of the adventure. My worry was unfounded. Aine didn't mind the rain or walking. Eamon and Aine both wanted to know when the next class was. There was no doubt; they wanted to attend the full course.
Every week for the past six weeks, they have ventured forth in the woods and learned. They have built a teepee, debris hut, a fire without matches, discovered a natural spring, fished, carved, identified edible plants and had fun. ... Read the whole amazing story. This quote is from the parent of two kids at the Great Falls Homeschool Naturalist Program, when Nick was the only instructor.
A transformative week of day camp!N. is in school this year, and I'm so sad that she will miss out on this opportunity [the homeschool program]. I'm considering asking the school whether they would permit her to leave at noon on [the program day] so she could attend. It's a long shot, but who knows?
Thanks again for the awesome experience this summer. Not a day goes by that N. doesn't mention it. She's already looking forward to next year. She has taught her little brother to identify wood sorrel, which he now happily forages on the soccer sidelines (much to the horror of NoVA parents!). And a few weeks ago, we went with a group of friends to (another student)'s family's cottage. She and S. taught the other kids shelter-building, which all 12 kids ages 3+ happily spent the entire weekend working on together. All that to say, the summer camp was an awesome experience for her. -Parent of camper at Ultimate Explorer Day Camp |